We are convinced of the high quality of PlasDECK® decks. Some of us have installed it on our units ourselves. However, we know that its adjustment to the yacht, assembly, surface preparation, or even the choice of colour can raise many questions. Don't worry, we are here to dispel doubts and answer any questions.

PlasDECK® decks are resistant to almost anything that can happen on a yacht. However, sometimes the surface can get dirty, damaged or scratched in such a way that you will need help. Don't hesitate! We will advise on cleaning the surface, and if a repair or even replacement of an element is needed, we will offer favourable conditions for existing customers.

The purchase of our product and the service of its installation on your yacht does not mean the end of cooperation for us. Or maybe it's all because we also sail ourselves? After all, the sailors' community is always willing to share their knowledge, and no one even thinks of appreciating the good advice, help and support of a colleague from the yacht next door.